Kabul-Afghanistan (PMG):

Reporter: Sayed Mujtaba Sadat

Libyan Navy spokesman Ayoub Qasemi has told media that 60 asylum seekers were killed and 16 others were injured as a result of the destruction of a ship carrying a refugee team in the Mediterranean Sea.

Meanwhile, the United Nations has written in a newsletter: The drowning of the boat in the Mediterranean Sea near the country has killed more than 60 people because of the collision of the boat with heavy waves in the Mediterranean, and Tunisian naval forces the survivors move to the coast and wait for them to be allowed to travel.

It is said that most of these immigrants are from Cote d’Ivoire, Cameroon, Ghana, Mali, Senegal, and Bangladesh, while most refugees drown in the sea, which is currently home to immigrants due to bad security, economic, warfare. They leave their countries and travel to Europe.

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