Kabul-Afghanistan (PMG):

Reporter: Soraya Ahadi

The Independent Human Rights Commission has published a 31-page report that states the escaped home-based cases have increased in Afghanistan. During 2018, at least 112 home-based escaping cases have been recorded, of which 81 females are those who have registered their cases in the commissions’ field offices by their own. According to the report, most females are from Kabul, Parwan, Kapisa, Balkh, Baghlan, Ghazni, Daikondi, Bamyan, Maidan-Wardag, Nangarhar, Paktika, Logar, Helmand, Uruzgan and Herat provinces. In addition, 31 other cases were registered with the victims during the Commission’s supervision of women’s support centers in all provinces covered by the Kabul Regional Office.

Meanwhile, Abdul-Ahad Farzam, head of Human Rights field office, said: “Violence figures show a 37 percent increase, one of the key factors are family violence, and this issue has given the increasing incidence of domestic violence, the theorems Escape from home also has a direct relationship with family violence, which shows an increase in the statics compared to last year.”

According to Farzam: “family violence is 36 percent, women do not respect human rights, 31 percent, mental violence is 21 percent, deception 12 percent, and economic violence, 11 percent of the women are escaping home theorists. Also, 42 of these women escaped due to domestic violence, 32 for subrogation, 21 for marriage, and 17 for escaped from home for unknown reasons.”

The report shows that out of a total of 112 women who fled from home, 58 have died, 32 were reunited with their families, 11 were prosecuted for adultery, eight were threatened and three were also victims of rape. While social anomalies of families respect the religious and human rights of women in order to prevent women escaping from home, and about 76 percent of the men with the Society for the Investigation of Civil Society Integration Foundation carry out various violence against their husbands.

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