Kabul-Afghanistan (PMG):

Reporter: Firdous Rasouli

Zalmay Khalilzad the senior negotiating head of US with Taliban has traveled to Washington after a 16-day talks with the group to brief US authorities on the Afghan peace process updates. Zalmay Khalilzad wrote in his most recent tweet after meeting with NATO Secretary General: “We are working closely with NATO and other allies, and working collaboratively with them has been a priority for us since the beginning. We came to Afghanistan one day. We will also jointly adopt future measures in relation to our presence. And if we leave Afghanistan, we will come out of this country together. We are together until we bring peace and security to Afghanistan, and in the same way, we will bring these two phenomena to all our allies. ”

This is while the Trump administration held a secret meeting yesterday to discuss the state of America on Troops withdrawal from Afghanistan behind the closed doors. An American source who did not want to be named, emphasized that White House senior officials were discussing the decline in US troops at an early date.

Prior to the meeting of US negotiators and Taliban senior political office in Qatar, Afghan National Security Advisor Hamdullah Mohab accused the US government of having a direct dialogue with the Taliban in the sense of sidelining the government of national unity. Mr. Moheb also announced that Zalmay Khalilzad, the US special envoy for Afghan peace, is seeking power, and wants to seize power by establishing his own interim government.

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