Kabul-Afghanistan (PMG):

According to Nangarhar provincial governor’s letter, the newly appointed governor for the province has urged the security forces to bring a Nangarhar civil activist to justice and judicial authorities in connection with his writings on the corruption of Nangarhar provincial governor’s financial and administrative deputy. In the letter, the authority of Nangarhar has wrote: “A person named Abdul Latif Wahidi, who has accused Nangarhar’s financial and administrative deputy governor of corruption, is introduced to the security institutions with two quotes from his writings on Facebook, so that the Nangarhar Appeal Prosecutor’s Office should proceed this case according to The laws of the country act and call him trail.”

Meanwhile, Aziz Ahmad Tasal, chairman of Kabul Press Club, told Pasbanan, “If the new governor of Nangarhar has been ordered to detain this civilian activist, this will act against freedom of expression and will also be a red light for journalists in the province. The new governor of Nangarhar, who has just begun his work a few days ago, wants to restrict those who have raised the issue of corruption in the Nangarhar Provincial Departments, and I believe this will be the limitation to media activities and freedom of expression in Nangarhar. ”

This is despite the fact that the government has always emphasized that the freedom of expression is their biggest achievements, and they are committed to supports media and information activities in the country.

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