Abdul Ghani, one of Helmand’s peace seekers passed away
Reporter: Firdous Rasouli
Abdul Ghani, a 70-year-old man walking between Kabul-Mazar-e-Sharif, the capital of Balkh province, about 425 km, is set to go to peace in Afghanistan. And died yesterday in Logar province.
The man who sent his son to the security forces for defense of his country died last year in a battle with the Taliban in Khost province. At the beginning of this year, Helmand’s peace caravan led by 27-year-old medical student Iqbal Khyber, whose main goal is to bring peace throughout the country and end the battle.
Helmandi Peace group was launched when, at the beginning of the first days of the year, a wrestling match was held in the city of Lashkar Gah, Helmand province, for a suicide bombing that killed 13 people. After this incident, a number of Lashkar Gah campers held a sit-in tent and called for a cease-fire in Helmand province.
Mr. Khaybr says he wished his compatriots had a good and calm life, and although he did not have a life expectancy, he wanted other Afghans not to see the child’s hot death.