Kabul-Afghanistan (PMG):

Reporter: Emran Khorasani

At the same time as the violence and the terrorists are targeting Afghan citizens on a daily bases, the National Unity Government does not abandon its efforts to find foreign markets for Afghanistan’s agricultural and industrial products. Now Shah Hussein Mortazawi, the deputy spokesman for the presidency of the country, wrote on his Facebook page that the government is in the quest for marketing for the Bamyan potato. Mortazawi says: “Export-Oriented Economic Policy, President: Bamyan potatoes will be sent to Azerbaijani markets. I do not want that Bamyan qualitative and flavored potatoes would be sent to Pakistan’s markets and it should be sold at the lowest prices. ”

This news is released by presidential palace at a time that in the latest case, president Ghani yesterday inaugurated two industrial companies of producing steel and packing peanuts Mill, according to the president of the country, the industrialization of Afghanistan and the also changing this country to an exporter soil is his biggest dream, and he is trying to find markets for achieving this goal.

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