Kabul-Afghanistan (PMG):

Reporter: Firdous Rasouli

After the Taliban’s capturing Kunduz for a short period of time, the Interior Ministry has now announced the Afghan forces were able to manger defeat of the group’s fighters. In the latest case, Nusrat Rahimi, a spokesman for the Interior Ministry, told reporters: “police Special forces have launched clearing operations in various areas of Kunduz since last night.”

The Ministry of Internal Affairs has stated in a press release: “Currently, the security situation in the city is back to normal. Further details are provided on the casualties of security forces, civilians and the Taliban.” The news release said Saturday evening a suicide bomber blew himself up between police and reporters, a provincial police spokesman been killed during this incident. And also Kunduz police commander got wounded in this incident, but the Interior Ministry did not comment on this specific issue.

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