First phase of Kankur examination will be held in second week of New Year
It’s expected that in second week of Hamal Month, the first phase of Kankur examination will be held in 9 provinces of the country. Arefa Paikar, spokeswomen for higher education ministry told Pasbanan in a phone conversation: “it is expected that the first phase of Kankur examination will be held in 9 provinces such us Logar, Sar-e-pol, Panjshair, Maidan-Wardag, Badghis, Paktika, Nimroz, and Nuristan. According to our schedule in first week of the year Biometric process of students will be finished and after that in second week we will held the Kankur examination of this 9 provinces.”
Miss. Paikar also adds: “all preparations are made for holding this process in upcoming year, for this process we have held meetings with local organs, Security forces, Education directorates, schools and other beneficiaries. Currently registering process of students are finished and after holding examination of civil services Kankur process we will held this procedure as well.”
According to Miss. Paikar, spokeswomen of higher education ministry in second phase of this exam will be held in 5 to 6 provinces and maybe Kabul Kankur examination process will be also held in the second phase.