Kabul-Afghanistan (PMG):

Reporter: Mehrullah Mehrdad

General Dostum, the country’s first vice president, has returned to the forefront of the battle. After moving the Taliban in Jawzjan province and his worries about the security situation in the province, he has not been seen by his government, he has now returned to the battlefield to fight the armed opposition. According to reports, in the past few months, attacks by armed opposition forces in Jawzjan have increased and even parts of the province have been fired between the security forces and the Taliban.

Attack on General Dostum in Mazar-e-Sharif Highway – Sheberghan, fall down of Qoush-tepa of Jawzjan District At the same time as Dr. Abdullah, the chief executive of the National Unity government earlier arrived in Jawzjan, heavy casualties have been inflicted on the security forces in the district, which compels Mr. Dostum to wear military uniforms. And return to the front line of the battle. In the most recent case, General Dostum has examined the security situation in Jawzjan districts and the highway of the province, but at the same time, his convey faced a Taliban ambush along the highway of Mazar-e-Sharif-Sheberghan, with no casualties reported by Mr. Dostum’s guardians.

In addition, the first vice president office newsletter said that General Dostum is currently visiting Security Forces stations in order to increase the morale of the security forces against armed opposition in the country. Mr. Dostum, while meeting with Dr. Abdullah Abdullah, the chief executive of the National Unity government, in Jawzjan said that the security situation in the northern and northeastern provinces  are alarming and insisted that the government should take new measures to end the insecurity.

Prior to this, Mr. Dostum criticized he said that Wali Mohammad Ahmadzai, commander of Shaheen Corps, is unable to control the security of Northern provinces he has also said that he had intensified the war instead of trying to curb the North War. Mr. Dostum has warned the Taliban group, in a meeting with Dr. Abdullah, that if they do not join the peace process, they would have destroyed them, and also demanded from the chairman of Jahrom that if President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani ordered the destruction of the Taliban group In six months, the roots of this group are dried up.

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