Kabul-Afghanistan (PMG):

Reporter: Mehrullah Mehrdad

According to sources close to the first vice president, General Dostum’s guards captured the planner of attack on his convey during a clash with the Taliban in Balkh-Jawzjan highway. The source, who did not want to be named, emphasized that the one guard had died and two others were injured. The source continues to emphasize that Mr. Dostum’s is on a good health condition and the designer of the attack will be handed to security forces after investigations would be done. It is said that the Taliban was launched ambushes in four areas of Balkh- Jawzjan highway in areas of Alam Khan, Timurak, Shisha Khanna and Afghania areas.

Meanwhile, the Taliban have been claiming that the first deputy vice president of Afghanistan, Abdul Rashid Dostum convey was ambushed by their forces and during this incident, at least his 6 guards were killed and four others were wounded. But sources close to Mr. Dostum deny these claims and they state that during this ambush Taliban have suffered heavy casualties.

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