President Ghani backed peaceful protest of Pashtoons in Kyber and Balochistan
Kabul- Afghanistan (PMG):
Reporter: Shershah Nawabi
Afghan president Mohammad Ashraf Ghani has condemned violence act of Pakistan government Against Pashtoon Tahafuz Movment (PTM) in Kbyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan. The president of Afghanistan has raised his concern against the violated behavior of Pakistan against PTM members and appealed for immediate stopping of it. “The Afghan government has serious concerns about the violence perpetrated against peaceful protestors and civil activists in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan.” The president has wrote in his twitter.
He has also urged Pakistani government to support protesters instated of misbehaving against them and violate their acts. “We believe it is the moral responsibility of every government to support civil activities that take a stand against the terrorism and extremism that plagues and threatens our region and collective security. Otherwise there could be long-standing negative consequences.”
Meanwhile Shah Mahmood Quraishi Pakistan foreign minister has condemned president Ghani’s twists and has wrote in his twitter. “We reject the tweet by President Ashraf Ghani. Such irresponsible statements are only gross interference. Afghan leadership needs to focus on long-standing serious grievances of the Afghan people.”
The Pakistani officials reactions come in a time that recently Mohsin Dewar a member of PTM has welcomed presidents comments on the misbehavior of Pakistan government against Pasthoons and Baloochs in this country and has twitted: “I would like to thank @ashrafghani for his words. I wish, at the very least, our state had realized its crime of martyring Arman Loni, but instead it launched a crackdown on our grief. And now it is condemning those who offer sympathy to us? By what standard of humanity is this ok?”
Recently Pakistan is facing a protests in Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa and Baloochistan. The protesters are saying that Pakistan government is looking for genocide in these to regions.