The exclusion of 26 private higher education institutions from the recruitment of medical students
Reporter: Soraya Ahadi
The Ministry of Higher Education published a leaflet announcing that 26 private higher education institutions were not allowed to attract medical students. In the announcement of the ministry, these educational institutions for the year only have the permission to take an exam in a field that they have been allowed.
According to the announcement, the institutions of higher education of Spinaghar Branch of Kabul, Maihan, Muslim, Malalai, Kavoon, Meli, Razi, Ariana Branch of Jalalabad, Zawol, Ariana branch in Kabul, Shirzai afghan, Ahl-albayt, Heriwa, Dawat and Jami are among the institutions that Can not get medical students. This is while the institutions of higher education in Helmand, Afghani, Pamir, Mirwaisnake, Spinigar Nangarhar, Martyr Sayedjan, Turkestan, Shafa, Arakuzia, Basra, Kabura and Atifi are other institutions that do not allow students to attend medical courses.