Kabul-Afghanistan (PMG):

Reporter: Mehrullah Mehrzad

Alongside the shortcomings, the Afghan presidential election also had some attractions. In the most recent case, one of the citizens whose finger was cut off by the Taliban in the last election, once again he went to the polling station to exercise his citizenship right and elect a new president for Afghanistan. Pictures taken from Safiullah shows that he is confident in the future of the country and he is committed to the survival of democracy in the country.

Similar to the case in the presidential election of 2019 in Afghanistan, other citizens did the feat. In Kandahar province, despite serious Taliban threats, citizens queued up at polling stations to cast their votes in the ballots. Herat also witnessed the widespread presence of women at polling stations, and even adults in Kabul went to the polling stations to defend the democratic process and elect the next president of the country using their voting rights.

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